Hohoho... baru nginstall emoticon onion di blog ini, abis jalan2 ke blognya dea & ivan tentang bagaimana menambahkan emoticon onion head di post editornya blogger. Terus juga nambahin emoticon yahoo di form komentar di blog ini hehehe sok atuh kalo mo dicobain lucu..... hahaha Btw, nda lagi mau nurunin berat badan nih.. dah mencapai 52 kg.. padahal dulu2 susah banget deh mo naikin 1 kilo doank.. Tapi semenjak lulus kuliah dan nganggur2 nunggu dapet panggilan kerja,, badan jadi mulai membengkak.. naek terus.. awalnya berat badan yang bertahan di 46 kg trus naek perlahan 2 kilo setiap nda nimbang o.O" 46.. 48.. 50.. sekarang 52!!! Heuheu,, ni lemak di perut sudah berlebih,, menjelang mo nikah pula.. harus mulai dikecilin kalo ngga tar pas pake kebaya perutnya ngejek ahahaha nyembul2 kaya perutnya ayank~
Car audio have an influence on the self discharging lead acid battery. It used up your power when you stopped the car to listen to the music. If the MF car battery is good, it must be fine to get started when it is stored for two days. But you have used it for 2 - 3 years, so the life is about to the end. You'd better to buy a new automotive battery instead. tubular battery from the professional MF car battery manufacturer, such as leoch battery, are much cheaper than those from 4S shops.